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  Link Database
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Sometimes it is required to get all Items in the database based on a given template. Iterating through the entire database may be a very expensive operation though.

However in this particular case, we can resort to the Link database. Link database is used by Sitecore to resolve all the linking issues - what referrers and what references the Item has. And if an item is based on a template, it also counts as a reference from the item to the template. The solution then is very simple: get all the referrers for a given template item.

Below you can see how Link Database is used in the RSS module architecture:

private static Item[] GetFeedsInDatabase(Database database, Language language)
   TemplateItem feedTemplate
= database.Templates[Constants.FeedTemplateID];
if (feedTemplate == null)
return null;
// Get all items refering to the feed template
   ItemLink[] links = Globals.LinkDatabase.GetReferers(feedTemplate.InnerItem);
if (links == null)
return null;
   ArrayList result
= new ArrayList(links.Length);
// and filter the referers - we dont need to include masters
   foreach(ItemLink link in links)
if (link.SourceDatabaseName == database.Name)
         Item item
= database.Items[link.SourceItemID, language];
if ((item != null) && (IsMaster(item) == false))
return (Item[])result.ToArray(typeof(Item));

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